So much has been happening at the studio in the past few weeks, that I would have to write a short story to keep you abreast of it all. I know you haven’t time to read a short story, so I will offer you concise versions of all that is new. Please extend me grace if I missed a class or two, and feel free to reach out with more suggestions!
- More Daytime Classes: Mondays– Open Studio (10:00 am), Aerial yoga (10:30 am), Slings & Silks Mixed Level flow (11:45 am), Trapeze Level 1 (1:00 pm), Lyra Level 1 (2:00 pm). Wednesdays- Aerial yoga (10:30 am), Slings & Silks Mixed Level flow (11:45 am), Trapeze Level 1 (1:00 pm), Lyra Level 1 (2:15 pm). Thursdays– Aerial Yoga (7:00 am), Aerial Yoga (4:15 pm), Yoga Vinyasa Flow (5:30 pm). Fridays– Yoga with a Physical Therapist (8:15 am), Pilates (11:00 am). Saturdays– Aerial Yoga (9:00 am), Hula-hooping for all (10:00 am), Parent Hoop Hotties (beginners- 11:15 am), Lyra Level 2 (2:30 pm), Silks Level 4 (3:00 pm), Lyra Level 3 (3:30 pm)
- More Evening Classes: Mondays- Lyra Level 1 (low to the ground-6:00 pm), Lyra Level 2 (low flow spin, 7:00 pm), Silks Level 2 (8:00 pm). Wednesdays– Techno Ballet (6:30 pm), Contemporary Dance (7:45 pm), Silks Level 1.5 (8:00 pm). Thursdays– Latin Dance (6:45 pm), Silks/Sling Power Boost (6:45 pm), Ballroom Dance (7:45 pm), Trapeze Mixed Level Flow (8:00 pm). Fridays– Ballroom Dance (6:45 pm), Latin Dance (7:45 pm). Sundays- Aerial Yoga (6:15 pm).
- SUMMER CAMPS (sorry adults, but this year the camps are for kids only!). We have full and half-day options throughout June and July, with camp performances every Friday at lunch. These camps will be the highlight of your child’s summer (unless of course, you take the kids on an exotic vacation, in which case, camp may rank second and we may experience vacation envy).
- More Speciality Classes- We HEARD you. Many of you reached out to ask us for more specialty or older kids (teen) classes. Here are our newest offerings:
- Parent Hoop Hotties- Hey parents, do you need some time to yourself while building strength and a community? This is the class for you! Led by a Certified Exercise Physiologist, it will focus on the specific challenges post-partum bodies face, this class uses lyras (steel hoops) and hula hoops to help you spin your stress away. All post-childbirth bodies and genders are welcome. Saturdays @11:15 am.
- Teen Dance classes- kids ages 15+ are welcome to join any of our dance classes. What a great way to let your kid express their individuality and creativity. Try TechnoBallet (Wed. at 6:30 pm), Contemporary Dance (Wednesday at 7:45 pm), Latin Dance (Thursdays at 6:45 pm or Fridays at 7:45 pm).
- Hula Hoop Flow- Build skills and learn to dance with hula hoops while developing your own flow. Suitable for all levels. Saturdays at 10:15 am.
- Yoga- Join us for mat-based yoga on Thursdays at 5:30 pm or Fridays at 8:15 am. Great ways to wrap up or start off your workday.
- Low-flow Lyra- Looking to express yourself a little closer to the ground, or use the ground to shape your artistry? We now have low-flow lyra classes on Monday nights. Beginners at 6:00 pm and Level 2 at 7:00 pm.